Saturday, June 5, 2010

Von Ryan, is that you again

It's reporting time and once again I am setting myself deadlines that I will inevitably fail. I have long been aware of my high level procrastination skills when it comes to tasks such as these. Exactly what I spend my time on during these long periods of distraction sometimes ellude me come the end of another fruitless day. No doubt it's something more interesting like the important task of seeing how many times I can wrap a rubber band around my finger, but this doesn't take a whole day, a mere 45 minutes or so if i recall correctly. My next distraction was, of course, seeing how long it took for the colour to come back to the finger, but I'm young and healthy so this only took a matter of 2 seconds. Then 2 seconds again, then 2 and a half and so on for quite some time.
So where did the time go? I'm not sure but I'm a bit worried that I may have an explanation.
As I put down a thoroughly read copy of the Savation Army's newsletter The Warcry, delivered by Marge and Henry as they went door to door, (It was interesting to hear how Henry is managing with his sciatic nerve and also about Marge's children and grand children. I was only halfway through giving them tips on how to select a good secondary college when they seemed quite anxious to get away. Shame, I had many more questions for them) I noticed that Von Ryan's Express was again on the telly.
I'm not a particular fan of the movie, but I must have seen it at least 15 times. Perhaps not start to finish, but bits and pieces. How is it possible that TV stations could put one interesting, but ultimately fairly average, movie on so many times. A better question may be, why do I watch it when I'm not interested and I have something far more important to do? That is when I had my revelation (cue twighlight zone music). Is it on at all? Is it possible that through years of misery and frustration borne of writing reports my brain has flicked a switch that sends me to a comfortable place. Deluding me, that instead of laboring over a computer to produce reports half of the parents at my school don't bother to collect, let alone read, I am in fact lazying around, content, watching the allies make fools of the nazi's. Kind of like when Bruce Willis thought he was still alive in the 6th sense. He was lucky though, as he was indeed deceased and would not be waking to the waiting pile of reports.
Well end of year reports are only 6 months away and if Von Ryan and his merry band turn up again my suspicions will be confirmed. Having to watch the movie over and over again is also quite frustrating as every time, the brave Von Ryan doesn't quite make it. Another lucky one with no reports to contemplate in his future.
Link to Von Ryan's express review:

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