Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Rush

My school is looking at putting in an alternative program for Year 9's. We have plenty of reasons for this. Our data clearly shows a decline in many key areas of their studies and engagement and connectedness are seriously wanting, among other things. While our data and anecdotal evidence is certainly cause for action, we agreed that it would be prudent to see what the wider research was saying.

What the research was saying was clear. All research that I have come across so far has described a teaching model far different to that which we are currently running. What concerned me most, was not that we were running programs that contridicted the evidence, but that the evidence has been around for so long. I found very little difference in the information from the Middle Years Research & Development project (MYRAD 2001) and Theories of Adolescence, a study by R Muss, (1975).
The above picture is students from Geelong Grammar's Year 9 Timbertop campus in 1965. Has it been working for the for the last 45 years? The Queen thought it was good enough to send Prince Charles there for two terms in 1956. Many other private institutions have significant year 9 programs that offer students authentic learning experiences. I have also found a number of public schools that are starting down this line in one way or another, however many are underwhelming.
So why is my school only just embarking on this mission after so many years and so many studies pointing that way? Unfortunately, it seems to be the Department's modus operandi. How long would a company survive in the marketplace if it ignored best practice for half a century or so? One of my current concerns is the over filtering of internet content for the students. It is my belief that students need to learn to negotiate the full internet experience. It scares me that someone may research literature on filtering in 2060 and wonder why the powers that be haven't been listening for the last 50 years.

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